Your team of friendly Physiotherapists help patients affected by illness, injury or disability through exercise, manual joint therapy, soft tissue techniques, education and advice.
You don’t have to wait for pain and injury before seeing a Physiotherapist. If your body is feeling stiff or not moving properly, simple changes can make a big difference to preventing micro-tissue damage and subsequent injury.
Podiatrists are experts in foot, ankle and lower limb health. They can help to prevent, diagnose and treat a wide range of conditions including: ingrown toenails, heel and arch pain.
At CHMC, your podiatrists have extensive experience in helping you diagnose your foot problem and finding the best treatment for you.
Your accredited practising dietitian can help patients achieve their health goals without the need for any restrictive diets. They translate scientific nutrition information into personalised care & practical advice to ensure you achieve your health and nutrition goals.
Your Dietitian, Tina Wong, is an accredited practising dietitian and a member with the Dietitians Australia (DA). She has experience working with clients having chronic diseases i.e. diabetes, obesity, high cholesterol, fatty liver, and more.
Your psychologists can assist you in coping with stressful situations, overcome addictions, manage your chronic illnesses, and providing tests and assessments that can assist with diagnosing a condition.
They have extensive experience in areas such as Anxiety Disorders, Bipolar Disorder, Personality Disorders, Relationship and Family problems, and overcoming Trauma.